Monday, September 01, 2008

Tea with the Queen

Mum and I went to Buckingham Palace today to take a look through the Queens pad.

We went through the state rooms and the banquet room all laid out like it would for a state banquet. Gold and silver... complete with 6 glasses each!!! Talk about over the top!!

After walking through the palace we took a leisurely stroll through the gardens, straight to the gift shop :) nothing like a £5 key ring to top off your day!

After being asked AGAIN what part of Australia I’m from, Mum and I went and had a pub lunch then home for mum to pack to get out to the airport on time.

With Mum leaving, Lindsay being in Europe and no more travel planned for a while, home sickness has started to kick in. for those that don’t know, it is this overwhelming impulse to jump on the next plane home, which is difficult seeing them fly over work to Heathrow everyday. Everything is easier at home, traveling anywhere, work, socializing all easier at home… London is another way of life I suppose, but that doesn’t help a whole lot.

Homesickness is not knowing how to get exactly where you want to go without asking or looking at your trusty A-Z. It’s being given directions to places which involve turn left after the third McDonalds. Homesickness is not knowing where to go for a few drinks, what time they stop letting you in or what time they close. Its having to put aside an entire day to have coffee with a friend. It’s knowing exactly where you stand at your job, or knowing exactly what’s expected of you! It’s not being surrounded by family and friends and having to stand on your own two feet...

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