Wednesday, November 08, 2006

This made me laugh...

so i'd thought i'd share!!

so we have our first Dragon Boating Fundraiser on the 1st December, its a Legends night, so cheap drinks to be had by all!!!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

And we meet...

So we had our first dragonboating meeting yesterday, it was a heads up on the commitment required and fundraising etc.

I thought it was going to put me right off it, what was i thinking type thing!!!
But I'm really psycd (cant spell that) now!!! should be good, getting into the gym and swimming some... I'm knida excited!!!

Go figure... excited agout exercise!! HUMPH?!?
This is not as pretty as our bout... but something for it to aspire to!!!!


Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Dragon Boating...

So some how I have got myself roped into Dragon Boating...

The Council are starting up a team for the competition next year. Should be good, so long as i dont die in the process!!!

will keep you posted...

Tuesday, October 03, 2006


Why you should never fall off a scooter...

What a fitting title for my brand spanking new blog!?! and if i can figure out how i will attach a very attractive photo of my very bruised knee!!! OUCH!!!

So i'd thought i'd check out his whole thing, seeing as my last one was completly deleted off 20six... but never mind i didnt like the name of that one anyway :)

thats it for now will post more later... if i feel compelled to do so...
